So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God.” – Mark 11:22

December 1, 2014 – Weekly Inspirational Thoughts

December 1, 2014 – Weekly Inspirational Thoughts

Always consult with The Holy Spirit before making decisions. Many times people will consult people for their opinion, but neglect The Holy Spirit who is All Knowing.

You were Born For Such A Time As This. Jesus created you for Such A Time As This. Ask Jesus to reveal your Birth Assignment and the steps you need to take to walk in it. Then – obey.


The Wilderness in Israel

Choose to live life in the ‘worry-free’ zone by living in the ‘casting all my cares on Jesus’ zone. Jesus didn’t equip you to carry them, but to Trust Him to nullify them.

Procrastination is a tool satan uses to accomplish his mission. Don’t let procrastination steal the harvest Jesus has prepared for you. Timing’s key. Obey God’s timing.

Become familiar with The Voice of The Holy Spirit. If you are unsure of His Voice, ask Him to speak to you and give you the wisdom to discern His Voice above all others.

If you are struggling to make something work, it could be because it’s not in Jesus’ will for you. Check with Jesus to see if you need to make a change because Jesus won’t change.

Don’t let others set limitations to a vision Jesus has given you. Jesus KNOWS your capabilities because He gave them to you. Trust His vision because With Him-All’s Possible.

Each day you are creating your Legacy – what you’ll be remembered for. Therefore, live each day ‘Legacy-Minded,’ instead of ‘For-The-Moment Minded.’ Jesus sent you for a purpose.

prayer shawl

The Wilderness in Israel

Many times people say all they need is more ‘Time,’ when in actuality all they need is ‘one word from The One who created time.’ Jesus may use Time, but doesn’t need it.

Jesus is not moved by our sense of urgency. We are to be moved by His. Patience is a vital part of the Christian walk. Jesus always has a plan and reason for the wait.

The Light reveals what would otherwise remain hidden. The closer your walk is with The Light, the more revelation you can expect to receive – in His Time and over time.

Timing’s key. When you pray, ask Jesus to put you in the right place at the right time in front of the right person who will hear His voice and obey His voice. Then – thank Him.

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